API reference

Custom edit controls

JavaScript class interface

You can specify a custom UI control by using the edit_control hook. That control should implement the following interface:

window.MyCustomControl = class MyCustomControl {
    // The initial value -- `null`, `"a string"`, `3.14159`
    // Metadata about the column - its database name, table name,
    // minimum and maximum values, whether it's nullable, etc.
  ) {
    this.config = config;
    this.initialValue = initialValue;

  // Return a DOM element that will be shown to the user
  //  to edit this column's value
  createControl() {
    this.element = document.createElement('input');
    this.element.value = this.initialValue;
    return this.element;

  // Return A RUDELY LOUD version of the value.
  get value() {
    return this.el.value.toUpperCase();

Getting JavaScript on the page

In order for your control to be available for use, it must be rendered on the edit-row page. You can achieve this in a few ways. In decreasing order of maintainability:
