

The read-only changes are all enabled by default.

Enable edit UI by default

To enable the edit UI by default for a given table, list them in your metadata.json:

  "databases": {
    "mydb": {
      "plugins": {
        "datasette-ui-extras": {
          "editable": ["my_table", "my_view"]

You can also add ?_dux_edit=1 to the URL of a row page to get the edit view.

In either case, a user will only see the edit UI if they have the update-row permission for the given table or view.

Restrict which columns are searched by omnisearch

By default, any column with a string-ish type is searched by the omnisearch feature.

You can instead explicitly specify the columns to be searched:

  "databases": {
    "cooking": {
      "posts": {
        "plugins": {
          "datasette-ui-extras": {
            "omnisearch-columns": ["title", "owner_user_id", "post_type", "tags"]
SQL schema support